Pelvic Health Physical Therapy

Are you tired of leaking when you work out or not enjoying intimacy due to pain? Our pelvic health PT hears your desires and understands the importance of feeling confident in your skin. In addition, she provides activity recommendations for pregnancy, return to exercise postpartum, and postpartum healing with the understanding that your body and goals are unique. You deserve to move through life with a confident pelvic floor for whatever comes next!

Jane's approach was simple and effective! I have been able to achieve goals in the gym that I had been struggling with for years--and all without leaking. The embarrassment is gone, and I can focus on my workout instead of my pants - Jill

Jane PT, DPT

Pelvic Health Physical Therapist

Jane has dedicated her career to understanding the complexity of women's health. As a former weight lifter, she understands the interplay of hormones and nutrition on body function and brings this holistic and complete approach to her care. She also understands that support and understanding are critical to feeling confident in your personal plan and goals. That's why her services are designed to minimize trips to the office, giving the tools and resources to complete most of your care and return to activity at home or in the gym--where you need it most.

Looking for a more holistic approach to women's care?

We have many services and programs that may help you! Book a discovery call so we can personalize a plan for your needs.