Well Kids: Holistic Intensive Therapy Program

Our bodies are such an integrated system. Often times, isolated interventions lead to a shotgun approach instead of a comprehensive program designed with your child in mind. We believe the body needs to be addressed in whole to function optimally. Utilizing a therapy and wellness approach can lead to faster outcomes in all areas—potty training, feeding therapy, emotional regulation, attention and executive function, and general motor and cognitive outcomes to name a few.

We combine a weekly or intensive approach with holistic education and a personalized plan to address your child’s body function to create a system ready to receive intervention optimally. Stop hoping all the pieces come together and let our comprehensive team ensure a plan that works for you and your child today.

Jenny is amazing at what she does and her programs are the absolute best to help any mother and child! Definitely check her programs out and join today! - Kayla


  • Personalized comprehensive evaluation to develop a family-centered plan and goals

  • 3 month or 3 week intensive treatment (your choice) with a therapist who has expertise in your goals and needs (PT, OT, Feeding Available)

  • 1:1 coaching with our health and parent coaching team virtually or in person to optimize body function

  • On demand content to make the lifestyle changes that will optimize your child’s outcome broken down into manageable steps


All Together Wellness Team

Health & Parent Coaching Team

Our staff takes a holistic approach, pairing current nutrition, lifestyle and behavior needs to create a personalized plan to prepare your child’s body, mind, and spirit for optimal therapy sessions to meet goals.

Our therapy team curates a personalized engaging plan to build progress toward goals that will help your child function day to day. Local to Northeast Florida? We offer a more traditional model of therapy to work toward goals over time. Looking for an intensive approach? Come onsite for 1-3 weeks timed with your holistic intervention to make the biggest impact for your child.

Not able to come onsite for an intensive program in Florida?

Our holistic program can still be accessed to maximize an intensive or maintenance program local to you through our on-demand content and virtual consultations.