Lactation Support

Breastfeeding is such an incredible journey, and no one prepares you for just how challenging it can be. From the physical to the emotional and everything in between, breastfeeding can be a stressor on your new motherhood role as you spend countless hours googling and trying to get the best resource for your situation. Leave the stress and guesswork to us. Our lactation support team can give you the tools you need to get things right and make the journey a success so you decide how long it lasts. From the right pump if you need it to the right positions for your body and your baby, we are here to help!

Paula | CLC, CHES

Certified Lactation Counselor

Paula holds a Bachelor's degree in Health Education from the University of Florida. As a Certified Health Education Specialist and a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), Paula has dedicated her career to supporting and empowering mothers through education. With extensive experience working with mothers throughout their pregnancies and breastfeeding journeys, Paula has been a reliable advocate, offering essential breastfeeding support from birth through the toddler years. Her work is anchored in the belief that informed, knowledgeable mothers can make the best decisions for their families, ensuring a strong start for their children.

Hey Mama, Get your FREE GUIDE

Click below to get your FREE breastfeeding tips guide.

Concerned about baby's latch, a possible tie, or other more complex feeding issue?

Our occupational therapist, Maddie, is a great resource to evaluate not just your child's mouth but also the functional effects it is having on feeding.