Boost your metabolism and mindset!

Looking to adopt a healthy lifestyle? It all starts with your mindset!

The truth is, that your mindset is the precursor to every action you take. It's the compass guiding your choices, the force propelling you forward, and the spark igniting transformative change, if you allow it to. Your mindset literally paves the way for you to take action!

Think about it like this…

Shift 1: From "Dieting" to "Nourishing"

Instead of viewing food as the enemy, see it as the fuel that propels you towards vitality. Cultivate a positive relationship with nourishing, wholesome foods that contribute to your well-being.

Shift 2: From "Exercise" to "Movement as Joy"

Swap the idea of exercise being a chore to movement being a celebration of what your body can achieve. Find joy in activities that make you move – whether it's dancing, hiking, or practicing yoga.

Shift 3: From "Perfection" to "Progress"

Release the pursuit of perfection and embrace the beauty of progress. Understand that setbacks are part of the journey, and each step forward, no matter how small, is a victory.

Shift 4: From “I Have To” to “I Get To

Change the narrative from obligations to opportunities. Recognize that adopting a healthy lifestyle is a privilege, and each positive choice is an opportunity to invest in yourself.

Shift 5: From "Comparison" to "Self-Compassion"

Your journey is unique, and so is your path to wellness. Cultivate self-compassion by appreciating your progress, acknowledging your efforts, and treating yourself with the same kindness you would offer a friend. Embrace this shift in mindset, and watch as your commitment to well-being becomes a joyful and sustainable adventure!

In addition to mindset shifts, a sluggish metabolism can make it challenging to maintain a healthy weight and overall well-being. Let's explore some common habits that contribute to a slow metabolism and how to address them:

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Drinking Coffee on an Empty Stomach: While coffee has its benefits, consuming it on an empty stomach can trigger stress responses. Enjoy your coffee with a balanced breakfast to mitigate potential cortisol spikes. Even better, consider skipping it altogether in favor of a adaptogen-filled drink that boosts your protein. We like this one from Truvani.

Neglecting Protein: Protein is the building block for muscles and plays a crucial role in metabolic processes. Ensure each meal includes a good source of protein, such as lean meats, dairy, legumes, or plant-based alternatives.

Exercising Too Much or Too Little: Finding the right balance is essential. While intense exercise can induce stress responses, gentle movements and a combination of cardio and strength training foster metabolic health.

Undereating: Instead of drastic calorie restriction, focus on a balanced diet with sufficient protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to support your metabolism.

Chronic Stress: Chronic stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels, which can negatively affect metabolism. Incorporate stress-reducing activities into your daily routine.

Inadequate Sleep: Prioritize sleep hygiene by establishing a consistent sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine. Ensure your sleep environment is conducive to restorative sleep, free from distractions.

This is the basic starter pack for a slow metabolism. These factors are key when it comes to metabolic health. To kick-start your metabolism, consider making small changes like hydrating before your first cup of coffee, incorporating protein into meals, managing stress, and embracing a balanced lifestyle.

These additional factors can further contribute to a sluggish metabolism:

● Not drinking enough water

● Excessive sugar intake

● Only doing cardio

● Having a nightly glass of wine

● Low fiber intake

● Crash dieting

● Unstable blood sugar levels

● Inconsistent meal times

● High-calorie coffee drinks

● Overeating before bed

If you're struggling with your metabolism and need personalized support, book a discovery call with us. We are ready to help you on your journey to better metabolic health!

Dr. Jenny Quartano

Dr. Quartano is a dual board-certified physical therapist in pediatrics and neurology with a passion for seeing children and families grow successfully and thrive together.

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